Doing an advanced degree in biblical studies can be hard.

Some of that's natural. It comes from working on engaging texts and worthwhile projects.

Then there's everything else—tight schedules, frustrating formats, unclear expectations, competing demands, and any number of things that pull you away from your essential work.

But all of that "everything else" doesn't have to make the essential work harder. You can learn to

  • make decisions that eliminate non-essential busywork,
  • leverage tools to help you do the essential work better, and
  • nurture domains of your life that lie beyond the academy.

So, drop your email in the form below, and I'll send you a custom resource pack to help you start

  • making more time for what matters most;
  • planning your days—whether your schedule is regular or irregular;
  • eliminating work you don't need to do, streamlining what remains, and focusing on what really counts;
  • leveraging the Internet as your personal research library;
  • making the most out of academic conferences;
  • considering how best to contextualize your spiritual formation for your particular vocation; and
  • preparing for your next opportunity to get away so you can enjoy that time and come back recharged and renewed.

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